Končno so naštrikane zadeve prišle po pošti… naš model je bil že neučakan, da preizkusi naročeno 😀
Lokacija? Nisem preveč premišljeval, pri prijateljici Poloni imajo namreč odlično lokacijo za piknik, kofetkanje, sončenje in fotkanje (verjetno sem še kaj pozabil :)).
Našega najmlajšega smo spravljali spat nekaj ur… končno zamiži in gremo, akcija! Mhm… spet smo delali račun brez krčmarja!!! Ena fotka in mali je že buden… no ja, ker je bil že “preoblečen” sem pa nekaj fotk le naredil – bo pa treba ponoviti 😉
Finally I got photo props via post… and our youngest model couldn’t wait to try what he got (maybe I was a little bit more anxious to test it :)). I didn’t think about location much, at friends “ranch” there is place for any kind of activity, and for photos – they have such a lovely grass 🙂
We were trying hard to get our youngest one to sleep, when he finally closes his eyes and action! Yeah right – I believe I managed to get just one photo while he was asleep. But since he was already “made up” for photos I took a couple of them – but still we need to have another photo session – and probably lots of those in the future 🙂
pozer 🙂
Hehe, ko boste imel cajt se le oglaste 🙂
Zelo lepo, na zadnji fotki ti je najbolj podoben…, itak.
Uživajte, mlada družinica!
Hehe, itaq – isti k fotr 😆
Že uživamo!
superkjut 🙂