Urša da idejo za spomladansko smuko v Italiji in seveda sprejmem… v takšnem vremenu bo sneg hitro pobralo. In glede na to, da smo se pred 6-imi leti pod sedlom med Lepim Vršičem in Kovkom obrnili ker nismo imeli krpelj, je bila nekje skrita želja smučati iz vrha enega ali drugega teh dveh obljudenih vrhov.
Na začetku je bilo sicer vreme bolj oblačno in začuda smo bili na izhodišču v tistem trenutku edini, a nas to ni kaj prida motilo 🙂
Urša gave idea for spring skiing in Italy and without hesitation I accept. In this weather snow will disappear rapidly. And since 6 years ago, we turned around just under the ridge between Monte Cocco and Cima Bella, since we didn’t have snowshoes, there was a quiet wish to ski from one of the two popular tops.
We had cloudy weather at the beginning and we were – strangely – the only ones at start, but we didn’t mind.
Uršo je takoj zmotilo pomanjkanje snega na dnu, oziroma zeleno-rumene flike med snegom – ampak že na pogled je bilo videti, da se bo dalo smučati brez kakšnega škrtanja. Seveda pa smo vsi upali, da bo z višino snega več… in imeli smo prav 🙂 Skoraj do sedla smo bili še skupaj, potem pa sem potegnil proti vrhu Kovka, saj so se oblaki razkadili in motivi za fotkanje so se kar vrstili 🙂
Urša was a little shocked by the lack of snow on the bottom, well more shocked by green-yellow patches of grass laying around – but we immediately saw it is “skiable” 🙂 We all hoped for more snow higher – and our hope wasn’t for nothing. We were all together almost to the ridge, but then I stepped forward towards the top of Monte Cocco, because dark clouds disappeared and I didn’t want to miss that view.
Na vrhu pa sončno, toplo in brez vetra! Sem kar nekaj časa sedel pod križem in se samo razgledoval – ta vrh ti pa res ponudi enkraten razgled na Triglav, Mangart, Montaž in naprej proti zahodu.
It was sunny, warm and without any breeze on the top! I just sat there for some time and just looked around – this mountain really offers a one of a kind view on Triglav, Mangart, Iof di Montasio and further to the west.
Po dolgem martinčkanju pa juhuuuu nazaj v dolino.
After a long rest – we just couldn’t resist this warm sunshine – we skied back to the valley.
Spust do sedla je bil fenomenalen, naprej pa je sonce že naredilo svoje in snežno odejo zmehčalo in otežilo, tako da atraktivnih padcev (vsaj z moje strani) ni manjkalo.
Descent to the ridge was fantastic, but further down, sun did its work and made the snow wet and heavy. That’s why we had a couple of attractive falls (from my side). 🙂
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