Po skoraj 5ih letih od zadnjega obiska te jame je zopet padla ideja za obisk… in smo eno nedeljsko jutro (sicer že mesec dni nazaj) kar šli 🙂 Do vhoda ležerno z GPS-om – priznam, da sem imel v spominu drugačen vhod – ampak je bil pravi.
After almost 5 years since out last visit, there was an idea for another visit… and so we went for it on one Sunday morning (almost a month ago – yeah I know, I should write more often :)). We used GPS to get to the entrance, and I must admit, that it was different in my memory, but it was the right one 🙂
Notri smo itaq najprej zaj… in se odpravili v napačen rov, ki se je kaj hitro končal. Ampak sva se z Nacetom že resno spraševala (no, se še zdaj), kaj se dogaja z našim spominom. No ja, najlažje se je tolažiti s tem, da po toliko in toliko jamah nekatere detajle pač pozabiš 🙂 Ko smo enkrat z napačnim rovom obdelali, sploh ni bilo več dileme kam – sta samo dva rova. Potem pa tako ali tako samo šibaš – z vmesnim odklepanjem vrat seveda – do najlepših delov z jezerci in enkratnimi naravnimi spomeniki.
Right at the entrance, normally, we chose wrong turn, which ended up really soon, myself and Nace were starting to ask ourselves (we still do) what the heck is going on with our memories. Well, the easiest consolation is that after so many caves, we might let go of some details 🙂 When we viewed the wrong tunnel, we had no dilemma – there are just two tunnels 🙂 When you get the right direction, get to the gates unlock it and fast forward to (for myself) the most beautiful parts with some water and beautiful natural monuments.
In zgornja slikica me je spomnila… hm… nekje še ležijo “stare” slike iz 2008 in sem jih seveda našel, tako da je spodaj ena s podobnega zornega kota – drug fotoaparat in drug objektiv (Canon EOS 350D, 18-55 efs) – in pa seveda v landscape izvedbi 🙂
Photo above reminded me that I have somewhere on my computer “old” photos from 2008, which I’ve found. Below is one from approximately same view – but different camera and lens (Canon EOS 350D, 18-55 efs lens) – and in landscape orientation.
Pomembnega detajla, kako do teh jezerc, pa sem se k sreči spomnil, čeprav smo ga vseeno malce iskali, in sicer gre za majhen prehod, skozi katerega se moramo nekateri malce širši kar malo stisniti.
But I did remember a detail which leads to these small lakes, although we didn’t find it at once. I remembered this small passage, through which some of us, who are a little bigger must tightly squeeze.
Lepih delov tudi v tem koncu ne manjka, čeprav meni osebno prav jezerca dajo nek posebni pridih – jami in fotkam.
Normally, also in this part of the cave, there is no less beautiful places. In my opinion water in those small lakes give additional charm – to the cave and photos.
Prijetno utrujeni se potem privlečemo na plan – a kakšnega hudega prehoda tako ali tako ni bilo, tudi zunaj je bila tema, edina razlika je bila, da je bilo krepko pod ničlo… Pa smo jo mahnili na pamet nazaj proti avtu. A kaj, ko smo po pol ure hoje bili še vedno sredi žbunja in podrastja in ne vem še česa… biti pa bi morali pri avtu. Zaženemo GPS (zakaj ga nismo že prej?) in se potem prebijali naprej skozi trnje in še kaj… in po dodatnih 30 minutah prilezli na cesto in potem kar po cesti nazaj do avtomobila – iz mimovozečih pa so nas gledali kot marsovce… 🙂 Zaključek in pica pa v Čuku v Postojni.
Nicely tired we came out of the cave – and there was no shock for our eyes – it was dark outside also, the only difference was, that it was below zero… and without hesitation, we walked in direction of car – so we thought. After half an hour, we were still in the middle of bushes – without any view further to orientate – and by this time we should be at our car. Now we start our GPS (don’t ask me, why we didn’t do it before) and we climbed and crawled over and through these bushes and thorns, until we found a road, which we could then follow with no big effort to our car.
Več slik pa v GALERIJI
More pictures in GALLERY
uuu lepa, vhod pa tudi zelo simpatičen. Jezerca iz ta istega zornega kota bi pa lahko slikal vsakih pet let, bo zanimivo ko “bomo” gledali čez ene 50 let kolk so kapniki zrasli 😉
No ja, mogoče pa res še ponovimo čez 5 let… Razlike pa verjetno res ne bo videti 😀